Sending android push notifications from the CLI
ok so i wanted to set up a way to send notifs from my raspi at home to my phone because idk i was bored. And I didn't particularly want to use any third party solutions... so it was time to tune up some ancient open-source project.
Here's how you get your own notification server
Make an android signing key
oh yeah we're going to be doing some COOL stuff here.
keytool -genkey -v -keystore android.keystore -alias android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
make sure you note where you put it. You'll need it.
Go and get android studio
Enjoy the massive size. Download the SDK for android 30.
Clone the repo
Clone somewhere
Open it with android studio. You'll want to open the "build.gradle" file inside android/Notify
Register with google's firebase
Yes yes i know, but i think it's the only way to actually mess with play services.
Create a new project, call it whatever it doesn't matter.
Once you've done that, go to develop -> realtime database and create one.
Set the rules to
"rules": {
"tokens": {
"$token": {
".write": "root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('token').val() == $token",
".read": "root.child('users').child(auth.uid).child('token').val() == $token",
"users": {
"$uid": {
".read": "auth.uid == $uid",
".write": "auth.uid == $uid"
Now go develop->authentication and turn on anonymous authentication
Shoving it into the app
Ok cool now settings->apps. Create an app. Give it the package name com.kevinbedi.notify
and use keytool -list -v -keystore android.keystore -alias android
to get your SHA1.
Download the google-services.json
and override the one in the repo at android/Notify/app/
Now back in android studio go build->generate signed bundle
Select "APK", next, give it your keystore details, next, select "release" and check "v2 signature"
Let it spend an eternity building.
Then install the APK on your device
Setting up the server
Clone that repo onto your server of choice, and npm i
inside the server
We need to set some stuff up now - back in the firebase console:
Go to settings->service account and create a private key - it'll download a file.
Copy the contents of the file to server/serviceAccountKey.json
Now create a file config.json
of the form
"serverKey": "copy this from config->cloud messaging in firebase",
"database": "the url from the database area of firebase"
Cool now we've got everything.
Start the server
node server.js
will start it.
Now we need to test it
In another window navigate to node
npm i
, change the URL inside notify.js
to whatever you're running it on.
It defaults to port 3000.
Now you can
node app.js -r <code from the app>
node app.js -t "test"
and it should work